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Social Distancing / Self-isolation. How can we stay positive?

Now that we are basically in lock-down and we must stay at home, a lot of people will find it hard to become used to this new way of life over the next while.

So here are some things that I have been implementing over the last few days to help me stay in a positive mindset;

Incorporate some form of movement into each day.

Yes, it can be easy to get stuck in a rut and get lazy when you’re around the house all day, but now more than ever should be when you realise your health is your wealth.

Now that the gyms are closed we have to find other ways of moving our bodies. For our mental health alone it is so important to keep yourself healthy and moving! It will make you feel much better once you get it done. Try a home workout or get a walk in while you still can – the fresh air will do you a world of good.

Sticking to a regular wake-up time.

Again, another way to get into lazy habits is to lie on all morning when you don’t have work to get up for, but this can make you feel so groggy and tired throughout the day. Get up at your usual time, create a new morning routine, even treat yourself to a coffee in bed with a book but waking up at the same time will make you feel much better and much more productive.

Get dressed every day.

Sounds simple, but I know it can be easy to lay around in your pyjamas every day. Getting dressed makes me feel much more productive and ready to start my day.

Get creative.

Create new recipes, or work on something you have been wanting to work on for a while! Now is the best chance when you have more time than you usually do, make use of your time wisely. Have you been putting off meditation / journaling practices? Maybe now is the time to start.

Make more time for friends and family.

With a busy lifestyle, it can be hard to fit in the time to catch up with those regularly. Now when we have more time, use it to Facetime and catch up with each other.

Stick to your regular meal times.

Keep these regular and consistent, if your working from home. Take a proper break, go into another room and switch off from work even if its only 15 minutes, it will give your mind that break that you need.

Practice a new skill.

Weather it be a form of exercise, baking, cooking, writing, learning a musical instrument - use the time you have to practice something you may not have had the time for before.

These are my tips and if you have any others – let me know! We will get through this, we just have to stick together for now! 🙌

If you want my FREE home workout guide – Fill out the contact form on the Home page or DM me your email address and I will get it sent out to you!


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