Over the last year, we have probably trained at home more than ever before. And yes it can be hard to get motivated sometimes, we don't get that feeling of walking into the gym, the loud music and others smashing their workout to get us motivated - we have to motivate ourselves. Which isn't always easy!
Although it can be hard to get motivated to train at home, exercise is super important for both physical and mental health - so sticking to a workout routine when we are stuck in lockdown could help you massively.
Here are my top tips to keep up your motivation at home:
It can be so hard to motivate yourself when you don't have a reason as to why you should. Sit down and write out some solid goals for why you want to exercise, tap into your intrinsic motivation and find your reasons why. Think on all the physical benefits, how it will help you towards a physical goal you may have, how exercise supports your general health, boosts your mood, makes you feel accomplished and is something to help clear your mind. Once you find your 'WHY' it can be much easier to find the motivation and discipline to get up and get it done.
Have a dedicated space where you do your workouts each day, with your dumbbells and mat to hand - create a clear space where you can go and set up your workout space, get some music on and get in the groove. Mine is currently my sitting room!
Have a plan at the beginning of every week of when you are going to get your workouts in - put it in your calendar so you have to make the time for it. If you have it scheduled into your calendar, you are less likely to skip a day. For me, I like to get it done in the morning, so I try to schedule it in first thing so it's done and I feel ready for my day - it also helps keep my mood up throughout the day when I get it done in the morning.
Weather that be a new form of exercise such as yoga, pilates, running etc - you might now have the time to try something you haven't before. It's fun and keeps you motivated as you are not repeatedly doing the same form of exercise each time. In the first lockdown I really got into yoga. I used YouTube and my favourites to follow along to were Yoga with Adriene, Shona Vertue & Yoga with Kassandra. I've also tried pilates and found Pilates with Caoimhe great.
There are lots of resources online you can use at the minute when you are feeling something different or want someone else to motivate you. Instagram lives, YouTube videos, online programmes, you name it its out there. I am still running my closed Facebook group where I do all your workout programming for you, share finishers, motivation tips and more. There's lots out there to keep you motivated - it's finding what works for you.
I hope this helps and gives you some inspiration if you're lacking in motivation at the minute - it happens to us all. But we must find a way to keep active and keep our minds positive during these difficult times!