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With the new year coming upon us, it’s generally the time where everyone is thinking about setting new goals they want to hit within the next year. Many people make a long list of goals they want to achieve but by the end of January these goals are well forgotten! Personally, I think setting new year goals is a great opportunity to kickstart a change you’ve been wanting to make for a while. Reflect on what you have achieved this past year & how you can improve on these in the next year.

Setting achievable and realistic goals is key. Write your goals down & set a deadline you want to achieve this goal by. Make 3-5 specific & realistic goals you really think you can achieve throughout the year.

Make a plan on how your going to reach your end goal by setting small weekly or monthly goals in relation to the big goal. Narrow it down into something more specific than ‘get fit’ or ‘be healthier’ – how are you going to get fit? Are you going to join a gym? Or are you going to do home-workouts to get you there?

For example; ‘Go to the gym at least 3 times a week’ – schedule in your gym times around your work schedule so you know you can definitely make it 3 times per week. Plan your workouts & follow a structured programme so you know what you have to do when you get there, by doing this you will have less time for procrastination you can go and just get it done & get closer to reaching that goal.

Here are some tips for goal setting for the new year;

  • Create 3-5 achievable & realistic goals for the year.

  • Be really clear on your goals and make it specific.

  • Make a plan on how to get there by making small goals to hit along the way.

  • Set a deadline which is achievable for each particular goal.

  • And lastly, don’t get disheartened if you don’t reach your goal by a specific time, just be determined & keep pushing through, if you really want it you can make it happen!

This past year I have learnt a lot, and I have proved to myself that if I want to achieve something & put my mind to it you can achieve anything. Now on to bigger things for the new year!

So start off your year by writing down 3 goals you really want to hit & how you're going to make it happen!✨

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